Coaching + Support

"Standing in the presence of the horses I was able to open my heart in ways I hadn't in years. I left feeling lighter that day."

Equine Gestalt Coaching

The heart of Seahorse Healing is Equine Gestalt Coaching, a trauma-informed, co-active approach to healing the past so we can move towards a clearer tomorrow. We believe that all life experiences are held in the body, that each cell holds onto these experiences. By moving through an experiential piece of work we are able to shift how the body holds that past trauma. The result is a renewed sense of self and outlook on life as the process continues to take place and create positive change for weeks and months, sometimes years, to come.

In these 90 minute sessions we will explore whatever area of your life you feel could benefit from some extra guidance – past, present or future. Nothing is too big or too small for your sessions with us. The horses and I hold open, loving, non-judgmental space that allows you to dig deep into your personal truth and authentic vulnerability. Equine Gestalt Coaching is a truly transformational process that allows clients the greatest gift we can offer ourselves – the gift of letting go.

Experience the healing power of horses amid fresh air and the quiet of the country just south of Madison. No horse experience necessary.

$ Please contact me for Equine Gestalt Coaching Rates 

*Funding is also available through the CLTS Waiver Program | Family + Unpaid Caregiver Support for family members / caregivers of those with disabilities.


We are currently offering all Service Industry, Health Care Workers, and Caregivers a special rate as a way to give back to our community. If you work in a field where you give professionally or live in a home where you are a personal caregiver this special is meant for you. Often we are so dedicated to the care of others, we forget to bring that same dedication home to ourselves. EGC sessions will help you rekindle joy and fill up your tank so you can get back to doing what you love from a fuller place.

$150 / 90 Minute Session

***Cancellation Policy

EGC SESSIONS: All EGC Sessions require 48 hours notice for cancellation. All sessions cancelled up to 48 hours prior will be rescheduled at our earliest availability. Any cancellations within 48 hours prior to your session are subject to payment in full and do not guarantee a rescheduled session.

EAL SESSIONS: Holding a regular weekly space on our calendar is incredibly valuable to us and is an important commitment for our families to honor. Please note that missed sessions will be charged in full. We understand that life happens and cancellations are a part of that. For all missed sessions we keep a list and do our very best to make up that session.  If missed sessions become a regular occurrence we will be in touch to discuss how to proceed / if we are able to continue holding your regularly scheduled session.

Therapeutic Horsemanship + Experiential Services

Our mainstream world is often not set up in a way that offers truly nurturing support and flexibility for widely varying needs. At Seahorse Healing, we don’t subscribe to much of the language being used around people with different abilities. We live in a world where everyone has a widely vast array of strengths and areas for growth. It is our belief that each individual who comes to work with us is whole and capable exactly as they are. 

Our first hope and dream is to support individuals through some form of Therapeutic Horsemanship. In this process, students naturally develop a deeper understanding of their self in relation to the world and to others, and they will grow in their understanding of verbal and non-verbal communication – all of which leads to a richer life outside of the arena.

We have found that some students who come to us are less interested in horses. For them, sessions can include activities and experiences based on individual skills, likes, dislikes, and abilities through creative expression (drawing, painting, writing), guided adventures around the farm, caring for the horses and other farm animals, learning chores, and helping with farm projects – all in the naturally healing setting of Five Bridges Farm surrounded by peace + nature.

Many of our Therapeutic Horsemanship Student-Clients spend the majority of their day doing all they can to keep it together in a world that isn’t designed for them. Out with the horses, they get to let that all go in a deeply nurturing, supportive environment. Our aim is to meet our clients exactly where they are and to make sure they leave the barn lighter and with more joy than when they arrived, feeling seen, heard, and allowed to be their truest selves.

Note that most sessions take place from the ground. Riding is incorporated on a case by case basis. Sessions run from 45 minutes to 1 hour. 

$150 / session

*Ages 21 + Under Funding Available through the CLTS Waiver Program | Counseling + Therapeutic Services

*Ages 18 + Over Funding Available through IRIS (Include, Respect, I Self-Direct) | Alternative Therapy

“My daughter returns home after her sessions with Nelle and Magic brighter and cheerier. She doesn’t always share about her experiences, but I can sense her growth and improved self-confidence each time.”

Heart-Centered Horsemanship

Heart-Centered Horsemanship is an opportunity to learn about horses from the ground up and from the inside out. We approach horsemanshhip with the horse at the center of each lesson. They can teach us so much when we remember to slow down and listen. 

If you feel drawn to horses but have limited to no experience this is an excellent place to start. I will meet you exactly where you are and gently guide you through the exciting process of gaining ground in your horsemanship skills. Seahorse Healing offers a truly nurturing, non-judgmental environment great for learning about horses, yourself, and the relationship between the two. We are here to introduce even the most timid new horse person to these majestic beings!

$75 / hour * Lessons are 1 to 2 hours

Phone Coaching

Find your way closer to your dreams, goals, and personal vision with phone coaching from the comfort of your home, work, or travels. We will meet for 30 minute calls at the pace that suits your own unique timeline and desired outcomes – either weekly, biweekly or monthly. Tools are put into place to help you take action in areas of your life you may feel stuck or unsure. Within 90 days you will be amazed at the progress you’ve made and the other areas of your life that have become empowered as this transformation ripples out and out!

$100 / month * Includes two 30 minute coaching calls

“Nelle has coached me by phone for business support and for long distance healing. Her heart is present even across many states, and her attention to detail in business has helped me immensely.”

Become a Champion for Hope

Hope Through Horses, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) Non Profit with the mission to “Share the Healing Power of Horses and Transformative Coaching with the World. We are champions for HOPE.”

​”We provide funding for organizations and individuals committed to and involved in improving the lives of individuals and horse partners through the Equine Gestalt Coaching Method® and other Touched By A Horse® horse-human healing methods, as determined from time to time by the Board of Directors.”

When you donate to Hope through Horses from, you are securing funds for future clients who may not be able to afford this transformational form of healing – right here at home.


Seahorse Healing

“I can’t thank Nelle enough for her kind, compassionate, and VERY PATIENT work with my 16-year-old daughter who is on the autism spectrum. Nelle, Magic, and even Della (sweet pup!!) relate to my daughter in a way that very few other people do. There’s something profound about working with animals, finding your voice, stretching your comfort zone, and developing your independence — all in a soothing outdoor setting in the gorgeous Wisconsin countryside. Sometimes it’s difficult to quantify my daughter’s growth and progress, but I am convinced that Nelle is a miracle worker.” – Laura B, Wisconsin

“Yesterday I attended a Healing Session with Nelle & Magic over at Seahorse Healing. This time was invaluable for my own personal journey & I highly recommend this form of healing to anyone looking to further their path towards self compassion, forgiveness & love. I was surrounded by my first love, the four leggeds, during our session tucked away in a sweet little spot in the barn. Nelle gently guided me through my own process of opening & expansion. Horses are intuitive beings & can heal us just with their presence. Invest in your being. Give yourself the healing you feel called to receive. Thank you Nelle & Magic.” – Cory P, Wisconsin

“Nelle is quite the inspiration. I am so proud of the work she does and the thousands of people she is going to heal. I recommend her to anyone who is wanting to move forward in life, business, relationships, or any type of healing. It has been a great opportunity getting to know her and her passion for people.” – Michelle R, Utah

Client Centered Coaching

Each session is designed to meet you exactly where you are on your journey

Thank you to Pete Olsen for many of the images on this website.

Hope through Horses is a 501(c)(3) non-profit committed to securing funds for clients seeking healing, future practitioners in need of academic funding, and current practitioners looking to expand their practices.

When you donate to Hope through Horses from, you are securing funds for future clients who may not be able to afford this transformational form of healing - right here at home.